
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Coconut Ice Cream | Desserts Recipes

Growing up, I was not familiar with coconut ice cream. The most common flavours in cups were vanilla, chocolate, pista and sometimes strawberries. The first time I had coconut ice cream was after I came to US. Which is ironic because India, my home country is the 3rd largest producer of coconuts in the world. We use coconuts extensively in both cooking and worship rituals but coconut ice cream was somehow unheard of (I don't know if it is available now). Coming back my post, this is my first on an ice cream recipe because this is the first time I made ice cream at home. 
Serves - 4-5
Heavy Whipping Cream - 1 cup
Coconut milk  - 1 1/2 cups (See notes below)
Sugar - 1/4 cup
Grated Coconut - 2-3 tbsp

Also needed:
A wide 3" high bowl
Ice cubes - 3 cups
Glass bowl or steel bowl for whisking
Immersion blender or Hand mixer or blender
Plastic container for storing ice cream
Parchment paper
Using an Ice cream machine:
Mix all the ingredients and pour in the ice cream maker. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Regular Method:
Get an ice bath ready, viz. In a wide bowl, which is at least 3" high, fill ice cubes. Use a glass bowl or steel bowl for mixing the ingredients and freezing. Place the mixing bowl over the ice cubes and add all the ingredients. Whisk the ingredients together with a immersion blender or hand mixer for 4-5 minutes. Cut the parchment paper to the size of the mouth of the mixing bowl. Place the paper over the whipped mixture such that it touches the layer of the whipped mixture. Close with a lid and freeze for 1 hour. Repeat the mixing process every 90 minutes (or 2 hrs) for another 2-3 times. Transfer to a container which has a lid. Place another parchment paper over the layer of the ice cream. Close with the lid. Freeze overnight. Scoop to your desired serving bowl and drizzle with chocolate syrup. Serve cold.
1. I used Lite coconut milk in can. You could use regular canned coconut cream. Use only the first thick milk if making coconut milk at home. 
2. Honey or any other sweetener can be substituted for sugar. The sweetness was just right for me with 1/4 cup of sugar. If you like it sweeter increase the sugar by 2 tablespoons.
3. The mixing bowl should be over the ice bath at all times, when in freezer and while mixing.
Linking it up to Kid's Delight - Potluck Party; Taste of Tropics - Philippines.


  1. Even I too was not familiar with coconut ice cream but seeing your ice cream mekes me drool.

  2. So rich , creamy and delicious ice cream....

  3. Coconut ie cream looks very delicious and yumm.

    Cuisine Delights
    My Event-SPOTLIGHT:"Festive Treat" .

  4. coocnut ice cream simply amazing ...must be tasty too

  5. love the flavors... i'm sure this tastes fantastitc...

  6. wow i have never tried coconut ice cream...

  7. Very delightful and fantastic icecream, can have few scoops rite now.

  8. my 2nd fave ice cream flavor after mango - love it!!!

  9. Very delicious, your clicks make it more tempting..

  10. wow coconut ice cream looks super yummm and mouthwatering dear !!


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