
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pasta with Spinach Basil Pesto

There is only one food that DH cherishes next to traditional South Indian food. Pasta. I didn't know how he got a liking for pasta and I guess it is because of the cheese. He loves cheese. Noodles & Company is one of our favorite hangouts for a quick and casual dinner. Whenever we go there he always orders Penne Rosa. I do not know how he orders the same dish every single time. I usually order any of their Mediterranean or Asian varieties. My favorites are Pesto Cavatappi and Japanese Pan Fried Noodles. I tried reproducing the Pesto Cavatappi at home and was successful. It is a simple pasta with pesto combo. 

Pasta - 2 cups (I used Elbows, you may use any kind)
Basil - 1 cup (tightly packed)
Spinach - 1/2 cup (tightly packed) - optional
Garlic cloves - 3 or 4
Walnuts - 1/4 cup toasted (can use pine nuts as well)
Grated Parmesan cheese - 1/4 cup - optional
Olive oil - 1/4 cup
Salt and fresh ground pepper - to taste

Cook the pasta "al dente" in salted rapidly boiling water, per instructions in the package. While it is cooking, make a paste with the rest of the ingredients in a blender/food processor. If using walnuts add it first to the blender and pulse it few times before adding the remaining ingredients. When the pasta is done, drain it and return it to a wide mixing bowl. When it is still hot add the pesto, per needed and mix well. Serve hot, topped with cheese if desired. This one is very easy and always a quick companion for busy weeknights. I stored the left over pesto in a dry container in the refrigerator. Topped with enough olive oil to cover, it stays good for a few weeks.

Happy St.Patrick's Day everyone!
I am sending this to Presto Pasta Nights # 205 event by Ruth, guest hosted by Debbie.
Also Sending this to Herbs & Flowers - Basil event by PJ.


  1. Wow...your pasta looks delicious...with that green colour of spinach...


  2. Husbands are always a mysterty ingredient Kriti,their flavors cannot be judged .My H doesnt like any dish in italian cuisine.But me and my son loves it a lot.Hmm envying ur pasta.looks delicious.

  3. Traditional green for St.Patrick's Day... looks awesome with pesto... Like your DH I love Pasta too and can eat it day in and out :)

  4. Slurp, wat a brilliant and catchy pesto,simply delicious..

  5. Simply delicious and healthy too... Sure, it should hv tasted great Krithi

  6. I love the addition of spinach to this to make it even healthier. It looks very good, thanks!

  7. Looks so gorgeous and inviting...

  8. looks very tasty!...I am like that too ..I order same dish all the time!..:) tho I love to enjoy other dishes....
    Smitha's Spicy Flavors

  9. pasta in the green colour looks favourite..

  10. So inviting and very yummy !!!!

  11. Ahaa -a dish after my own heart - looks SUPERBLY tempting! Would like to share with you a similar pasta I blogged a while ago --

  12. Pasta looks delicious and colorful

  13. Love this...looks really yumm,even I have a version of it in my blog..

  14. Delicious! Hey Krithi, thanks for a new pasta recipe- my kids totally love pasta dishes!

  15. மிகவும் அருமையாக கலர்புல்லாக இருக்கு...சூப்பர்ப்...

  16. love the colur of the pasta and addition of spinach and walnuts makes it healthy too

  17. Lovely and delicious this healthy version,will surely give this a try.

  18. Lovely clicks Krithi dear!!! Past looks so comforting...Love the idea of adding spinach too..:)
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  19. Lovely dish seem something I must make this with the last of the pasta lying in my pantry. Thanks.

  20. The pasta looks so delicious and making at home makes it healthy

  21. Gosh loving the green zing! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for ur kind words of appreciation!

  22. I think I might have to try this over the weekend! It looks great!

  23. pasta looks yummy n mouthwatering..
    first time here ,u hv a lovely space...visit mine as time permits...

  24. Pasta looks inviting and delicious.. A mild soothing green colour and perfect in texture :-)

  25. The pasta is looking so inviting, loved the fresh green color... !

  26. Flavorful and delicious pasta.


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