
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Guest Hosting "Taste of the Tropics" - Tamarind

Happy New Year to All! May this year bring happy and joyful happenings in all your life. I am guest hosting Chef Mirielle's "Taste of the Tropics" event this month. And the theme for this month is Tamarind. Hailing from a tropical region myself I was very much interested when I saw this event. I was delighted when she told me that there is an open slot in January. 
Tamarind, literally meaning "dates of India" is native to Africa. The fruit pulp is the edible part of the plant and widely used in cuisines across Asia. The pulp has a acidic and sour taste with a mild sweetness. The tartaric acid present in the tamarind is a powerful anti-oxidant. The pulp also has digestive and laxative properties.
Guidelines for linking:
1. Link up any recipe that uses tamarind.  
2. Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian recipes are allowed.
3. Link back to this announcement page and also the Chef Mirielle's page here.
4. New entries are appreciated, however if you are sending archived entries, please re-post as latest (with a date in January 2013) and update with both the links to the announcement page and logo.
5. Usage of links and logo is mandatory.
6. Last date for submission of your entries is January 31, 2013.
7. To submit your entries, just link your entries using the linky tool below.
8. Non-bloggers also can send their entries with a picture to the below email-id.


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