
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Guest Hosting - WWC - CousCous / Broken Wheat for Dinner

Wish everyone a Very Happy New Year 2012! I know I'm a bit late. But better late than never. Believe you all celebrated new year in a great way. Starting the new year with a healthy cooking challenge, I am guest hosting Sanjeeta's Wholesome Wholegrain Cooking (WWC) for this month. The chosen grain is Couscous and for regions where couscous is not available you can go for Broken Wheat.
A little information on these grains...
CousCous is the staple food of North Africa which belongs to the pasta family. It is served with meat or vegetable stew. Though traditionally made with millet, the most common available forms is made with wheat. The traditional preparation of couscous is a labour-intensive process. But these days commercially available couscous are pre-steamed and dried and can be prepared in minutes. Couscous is rich in carbohydrates, protein and folate. Though it is not a whole grain per se, Cous cous is among the healthiest grain-based products.
Broken Wheat is made from whole raw wheat kernels which are crushed into smaller pieces. It is a great whole grain since it undergoes little or no processing. Upma, Pilaf, Kheer are the popular Indian preparations of the broken wheat. They can be used in place of rice and is a recommended replacement for diabetic patients. It is rich in fiber and is an excellent source of iron, magnesium and phosphorous. 
And here are the rules for linking...
1. Couscous/Broken Wheat should be the ‘key’ ingredient of the dish the you prepare. It could be any type of dish from sweet to savory.
2. Post your recipe on your blog during the event schedule dates. If you are a non blogger, please send me your entries in an email to krithiskitchen[at]gmail[dot]com.
3. Old entries which are re-posted during the event schedule dates are allowed.
4. Only vegetarian recipes, although eggs are allowed.
5. No deep fried recipes please, since we are focusing on making the WWC more healthy.
6. You must provide a link to this event announcement page and to Sanjeeta’s page here.
7. Use of logo is mandatory.
8. The last day for linking your entries is Jan 31, 2012.
9. Use the linky tool below to link your entries.


  1. awesome ingredients to choose...will try to send in my entries Krithi...happy hosting
    SYF&HWS - Cook With SPICES" Series - CARDAMOM (Dec 5th to Jan 5th)

  2. happy hosting.....will try to send the entries

    Happy New Year to u 2

  3. i have already posted it how do enter?

  4. Happy award is waiting for u ,please stop by at my space and collect it dear....

  5. Nice post and nice event. Will try to send some soon...

  6. Nice and unique event. Will try send in my entry.

  7. nice event...will try to participate

  8. happy hosting dear...
    You have an awards at my space please grab it dear...

  9. Hi, I've linked my recipe to your event :) Happy Hosting

  10. Interesting post!
    I just found your blog and I loved it! Am a happy follower now!
    Visit me at:
    Hope to see you around again!

  11. First time the recipes.....happy hosting!!

  12. Hi krithi, long time no see - how are you doing? and why not active on your blog? just stopped by to check in :) Do shoot me a message! Cheers, priya

  13. hi krithy. cous cous and broken wheat? sound interesting.
    i have always wanted to learn how to cook couscous the right way.
    have a nice day


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