
Monday, January 10, 2011

I am Tagged

Hi all,
        I was tagged by my blogger friend Reva. I would like to thank her for tagging me and I am delighted to answer these questions.

Who inspired you to cook or start a food blog?
Back home, my Grandma is a great cook. She is my first teacher and inspiration. My father and sis are great cooks too and we would always cook together. My DH is a connoisseur of good food and always encouraged me to try out new recipes and had accepted to be a guinea pig and is a great critic. My friends Sowmi and Denny would always give me tips on cooking. My DH and my dear friend Denny were the reasons for me starting a Food blog.

What is your take on organic food? Is it a big deal for you?
I try to buy as much as organic as possible here in US, but I am not desperate to be completely organic.

You try a new recipe and and it does not turn good. What will you do?
I would feel a bit bad about it. But I will quickly make up and learn where I went wrong.

Do you have a new year resolution and will you be sticking to it?
I generally do not wait for a new year to make any resolutions. If I make any resolutions, I would stick to it.

Do you time your breakfast, dinner and lunch or eat when you are hungry?
I mostly try to stick to time for the meals and try to enforce it as much as possible.

Name three ingredients you consciously avoid or eliminate even when the recipe calls for it?
I would eliminate khus-khus and mostly avoid deep frying.

Name three things you use in most recipes?
I love Ginger-Garlic, Pepper and mint. I try to incorporate those as much as I can.

How important is eating together as a family to you?
I try to make it a point that we eat atleast two courses together as a family.
This was a trait handed over by my father. He would always wanted all of us to eat together.

You do not like the food at your favourite restaurant ,what will you do?
I would call the restaurant people and give them the feedback.

I have tried to answer the questions to my best and have tagged five more friends...keep the chain going..



  1. Hey Krithi...Thx a ton for tagging me.. ;) Will start working on my answers & post `em real soon!!

  2. your answers made for a very interesting read and it was great to know more about you. Also, thank you for your questions. I will try my best to answer them to the best of my ability!
    Lots of love :)

    US Masala

  3. nice to know you kirthi....

  4. Interesting answers, glad to know more about u..thanks for tagging dear..

  5. nice to know u kirthi.. love to follow u

    There is a small giveaway in my blog.. Do participate in it!

  6. Nice to know about u :)
    Hey thanks a lot for stopping by my blog and ur encouragement :)

  7. It is always nice to know more about the fellow bloggers... cool..

  8. Hi. First time here and was lovely reading about u.

  9. hi ,krithi good to see u r blog and know abt u. Keep going.


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