
Friday, January 21, 2011

Fenugreek Idli / Vendhaya Idli | Idli Dosa Recipes

Fenugreek, a staple in Indian cooking has many health benefits. It is good for controlling body heat and removing toxins. It is also the best food and medicine for managing diabetes.
Last night I made Fenugreek(Vendhayam in tamil) Idli for dinner. Fenugreek is the key ingredient in this idli which gives the color, taste and texture to this one.

Idli Rice - 4 cups (250 ml cup)
Fenugreek seeds - 2 heaped tbsp ~ a handful
Urad dhal -  1 1/2 tbsp
Salt - to taste

Wash all the ingredients and soak in water for min of 4-6 hrs. I soaked it overnight. Grind to a smooth batter with required quantity of water. When done, mix with salt, about 2 - 3 tbsp. The batter should be thicker than pouring consistency, similar to idli batter. Allow it to ferment in a warm, draft-free place until it raises up to about double its quantity. 8 hours is good for warmer countries but it might take anywhere from 16-24 hours in colder climates. When the batter is fermented, grease the idli moulds with oil and steam until done, about 10 minutes (a toothpick inserted should come out clean). Serve hot with paruppu chutney.


  1. Fenugreek Idly sounds delicious.

  2. vendhayam makes idli's soft and yours sure does look soft!

  3. Nice and yummy looking idlis krithi, thanks for sending them to my event..

  4. looks great ? What is idly rice .. can we make it with any other rice .. like basmati ?

  5. @Kankana - Idly rice is boiled rice (rice boiled with husk before pounding to get the white part out). Basmati rice or sona masoori rice is raw rice and is removed from husk soon after it is reaped. Generally if we make idlies and dosas with idli rice, idlies comes very soft, and dosa very crispy. We can also make this with basmati rice, which would be good, but the taste bit different.
    Sorry for the long reply :)

  6. Looks soft and delicious! Thanks for sharing it!

  7. I came across your site from the foodieblogroll and I'd love to guide Foodista readers to your site. I hope you could add this fenugreek widget at the end of this post so we could add you in our list of food bloggers who blogged about fenugreek recipes,Thanks!

  8. Idli's look very spongy and soft..First time on your blog..Lovely space and a very yummy recipe collection..


  9. Healthy idly Krithi,looks super soft and great..

  10. wowww ... thts a very healthy version ... looks yummy

  11. Fenugreek idle never heard looks yummy want to have it now as my breakfast can u fed-ex me some ha ha just kidding........

  12. have heard about this from my mom-in-law, but yet to make it ; good one !

  13. Thanks everyone for visiting!
    @Harika - would definitely invite you over if you are living near me :)
    @Alisa - I added the fenugreek widget from foodista.. thanks!

  14. Looks yummy,not to forget the chutney.

  15. This looks lovely kirthi....good going.

  16. Looks fluffy and tempting

  17. Idli are fluffy and look very soft! Adding fenugreek to idli is new to me

  18. I love all kind of chutney, and it is very nice and new one for me.

  19. the idli looks very soft tasty and deliciously tempting.

  20. These idlis are looking so inviting and mouth watering. I wud luv to try your expert version of the idlis. Thanks for visiting my blog, will come back to see ur more posts... !!!

  21. i tried your Vendhaya dosai, it came out really good you know(actually am studying in UK and i never tried cooking in India before, lol), loads of thanks to you..
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  22. Madam I thought vendaya iddli is made without urad dhal don't you have such recipe
    Thank you


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